Saturday, January 4, 2014

A day in the life...

I'm a routine kind of day may differ slightly, but usually I try to keep an organized day. My two pups, Rusty and Dunkel, are my little ones so my day usually starts with waking them up to go potty and have breakfast. I'll grab a piece of fruit, boiled egg or yogurt before going to the park for my run. I don't want to eat heavy before hand and even if I wanted to the lapband prevents it. Along with me on my run is my water jug because I will get thirsty. Because running is strenuous, I also mix in my blending bottle my BB E&E to drink along the run. I use the Nike app for running and I'm just now getting back into the kick of things since coming down with the flu... I'm running a 5k in March so I have little time to waste. I should be back up to speed in a few days and I cannot wait. It's important to stretch and I also monitor my heart rate! Once I return home I jump right into the shower and follow up with my Moriche cream, applying it to my fanny... I'm wanting more bounce and since losing 113 lbs I lost all my bounce :( After my cream ritual lol! I usually jump into my "play clothes" and head downstairs to make a quick breakfast. Something easy like oatmeal, toast and egg, or fruit and yogurt. I always have my breakfast with my Moriche Palm and milk.
Now the rest of my day varies a LOT but I'm studying most of the time since I'm in school, but sometimes I have errands to run or fit clubs I'm running during the week and on the weekends my fitclub always hikes. The bare bones about it is I eat a maximum of five times a day. Three meals and two snacks and don't let too much time go between. I use a meal replacement shake once daily only because it's easier on me with my busy day. I exercise twice a day. Once in the morning which is usually my run or hike and at night which is my cardio. You have to find a routine that fits you no matter what tools you use. I've chosen tools I happen to believe in and know that works. Had I known about Moriche the first time around I would still have my great ass lol! but no worries cos I'm getting it back! xo Desi